The lout years: The dog in the puberty

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Half-strong and quite cheeky - that's how most dogs are during puberty. In this phase he likes to be stubborn, forgets previously learned commands and pushes his limits. Now you must remain consistent!  

Depending on the breed, puberty or sexual maturity begins at the age of six months or one year. With the bitch it is marked by the first heat, with the male dog the transitions are often fluent: He lifts his leg when he pees, becomes increasingly interested in bitches, and more often sees rivals in other males.

During puberty, chaos reigns in the brain

As obedient and docile as a dog was in puppyhood, in the period around the onset of sexual maturity, i.e. puberty, most four-legged friends put their owners' patience to the test. This is because the dog's brain resembles a construction site during this phase: New nerve cells are formed and connected. Existing brain structures are reviewed. Useless cells are radically eliminated and unused nerve connections are cut. Sometimes the right side of the brain does not know what the left side is doing.

Patience and consistency are now required

No wonder that in this chaos, important skills are also forgotten, at least temporarily. But don't worry - with a little patience and consistency on the part of the owner, even the wildest half-wit will usually remember what he learned in puppy class, and the most obnoxious four-legged lout can become a well-behaved dog again.

Beware of quirks!

However, unattractive quirks and behavioral problems can develop now: Anxiety problems, aggressive tendencies or obsessive-compulsive disorders often begin during puberty. The sooner an expert counteracts this development, the greater the chance that the dog's soul will be restored to health.

Young dogs test their limits

Puberty is also a difficult phase in terms of health. When romping around, a young dog knows neither caution nor reason, and most importantly, its physical limits. You must pay attention to these. Do not be deceived by the bundle of energy. At this stage, dogs are anything but indestructible! The skeleton is not yet mature and can be damaged by injury or constant overload.

More susceptible to diseases

The young dog's immune system is also not yet fully capable. Young animals therefore become ill more often and more severely after an infection than healthy adults.


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